Have you ever considered that we humans have a life cycle that’s agricultural? We plant (or are planted if you wish to go that far back), and as we grow, we and those around us help tend, weeding, feeding, and hopefully cherishing us all the while. This is our Spring, when we have sprouted and sprung, and the attention we pay begins to refine us.
Our Summer is a time of bearing fruit, a time of heat and light that grows plants tall and strong, filled with flowers and all good things to eat. Well, mostly. Sometimes weeds grow too close, and our use of herbicide has only made them stronger--all they want to do is survive. All we want to do is survive, bear fruit, thrive, contribute, and grow.
Our harvest in life comes from what have planted using thought, word, and deed. We tend these, weed, plant more, harvest, and start all over again.
I'm here to testify: you see powerful positive change as you learn to direct thought, word, and deed in different directions, pruning here, adding there.
Now is the gathering in time. Have a look at what you bring in from your efforts. Look for the good, choose what you might do different, and adjust how you tend to the soil of your life. Spring will come again.
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