Holiday Hooligans?

Holiday Hooligans?

November 15, 20231 min read

Yeah, well, it’s that time of year. You? Your staff and colleagues? Everyone is distracted by something right now, some of us by crappy family history, others by weird relationships that are stressed to the max, and.. you need to keep productivity up, empty desks down, and people who are your customers (whatever you call them) engaged and investing. Tough job.

Holidays--they can really drag you down, as well as build you up. Can you relate? It’s a great time to flex a little muscle in your life and help others flex theirs.

Own it. Recognize it’s tough for everyone. Including customers. If Pareto’s formula holds true here, 80% of the work gets done in 20% of the effort. You have time to speak to each person, see how they are, check in on how they’re doing, co-regulate, and care.

the trauma informed academyelizabeth powerholiday stress holiday productivityresiliencehopecopingproductivity ‌
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Elizabeth Power

Elizabeth Power, M. Ed., CEO of EPower & Associates, Inc. , is a sought-after speaker, facilitator, and consultant. EPower & Associates is the parent organization for The Trauma Informed Academy(r). "All we do is help people with change, resilience and self-care, and learning to live trauma responsively. And everything is done from the trauma-informed perspective," she says. "Even courses directly about working with trauma are about change."

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