The “Littling” of Winter

The “Littling” of Winter

January 02, 20241 min read

I think that life--and businesses--go through cycles that mimic the cycles of the year. Even more, not only does this happen across a span of years, it happens each year.

Right now, it’s close to the “dead of winter.” It’s dark. Days--while lengthening--are short. There’s lots of hustle and bustle (you know, the holidays) and yet, frankly, except for buying gifts and celebrating, nothing much is happening.

Whoa, you say! Not true. Is too--Spending cycles are December- January and May -June. From Thanksgiving in November until the second week in January, not much happens except closing things down and sometimes a little forward-thinking. Maybe some planning and everyone has their holidays top of mind.

I think of it as the buried seeds that are beginning to just barely quiver as the days lengthen ever so slightly and they yearn for the warmth and light. Every speck of their being yearns for what is next. Even in the cold of winter, they can see spring coming, their lives renewing and changing. So while all shrink a little with the cold and darkness, getting a little littler, we are still feeding what’s next.

How’s your business? Planning? Resting? Starting to sprout? Remember that what you do now, in the middle of winter, comes to fruition in the spring.

the trauma informed academyelizabeth powerrespectresiliencetrauma holidayswinterplanting seedscycles of business life cycles
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Elizabeth Power

Elizabeth Power, M. Ed., CEO of EPower & Associates, Inc. , is a sought-after speaker, facilitator, and consultant. EPower & Associates is the parent organization for The Trauma Informed Academy(r). "All we do is help people with change, resilience and self-care, and learning to live trauma responsively. And everything is done from the trauma-informed perspective," she says. "Even courses directly about working with trauma are about change."

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