Seasons shift… why don’t we?

Seasons shift… why don’t we?

September 12, 20231 min read

You know the funny saying, “Shift happens.” Leave that “f” out and that’s what we all run from.

In business, we move towards shift--the shifts required by market change, culture change, and change people experience. Sometimes they’re gradual, and sometimes abrupt. Sometimes we’re the author, sometimes the agents, and sometimes the target. We may want everything to stay the same, and just like the seasons, change always happens.

We may stay stuck in a rut because it’s easier, more comfortable, less terrifying. Truthfully? Learning to bend, flow, adjust, and adapt is more powerful than staying in one spot. The present becomes as powerful as the past and future and we develop more power over our circumstances when we can shift.

Do seasons always shift with ease? Nope--they slip, slide, and keep going day in and day out, just like we can. Need a little backup while you learn the dance? Reach out. We’ll stand with you, whether you want a little coaching or a class for your peeps.

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Elizabeth Power

Elizabeth Power, M. Ed., CEO of EPower & Associates, Inc. , is a sought-after speaker, facilitator, and consultant. EPower & Associates is the parent organization for The Trauma Informed Academy(r). "All we do is help people with change, resilience and self-care, and learning to live trauma responsively. And everything is done from the trauma-informed perspective," she says. "Even courses directly about working with trauma are about change."

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