I'm tired. Sometimes I'm so tired I wonder about getting up for a few more hours. I think I could sleep all day for at least a few days. It's fatigue, not depression, believe me!
What makes me, you, us, so tired? Could be a wild montage of things: age, exercise, COVID, stress, too much noise in the night, all the losses of the last few years--or working really long hours?
Could be any of those, and I want to focus on working long hours.
Somehow we've some to think it means more or is more valiant than working reasonable hours. We look at the office hero who comes in rumpled after four hours of sleep and think highly of them.
We get paid for 40 and work 60, effectively allowing our employer to reduce our wages by 50%. We plan in ways that keep us up late at night when we need, instead to sleep. We think that 6 hours of sleep... ought to be enough.
Not any more. Your resilience depends, in part, on your willingness to respect you--body and all. You need sleep, you need rest, you need to fill up your gas tank. An auto won't run without fuel. People don't "bounce back" without rest. Honor your body: take care of your needs for rest to see your resilience improve.
Check out our new course, Elastic! And our new version of The Trauma Informed Academy: https://thetraumainformedacademy.xperiencify.io/elastic/order/
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